Are you tired of two-party politics and the political gridlock for which it stands?
Are you tired of political party bosses choosing candidates before you have had an opportunity to vote?
Are you tired of deficit spending?
Are you tired of unconstitutional “no-win” police actions in foreign countries?
Do you want a person, not a political party, working on your behalf in Washington, D.C.?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, it is our time! It is our time to take a stand against the two-party political system. It is our time to fight the good fight to break the political gridlock that has knocked the United States of America out of an orbit of freedom, peace and prosperity. It is our time to be counted as part of the new majority that has had enough of the old ways of Washington. It is our time to remind political party leaders that we, the voters, choose who represents us in government, not them.
I’m Frank Zilaitis and I respectfully submit my application for employment as your United States Representative to work on your behalf within the legislative branch of our federal government. If you like what you read as you surf this site, I also respectfully request that you take five minutes of your time to click on the “Candidate Petition” tab and complete a petition to have my name placed on the November 4th ballot. The mailing instructions can be found at the top of the petition.
We need fresh faces in the United States Capitol who will demonstrate respect for private property – people’s earnings – by passing the Fair Tax Bill into law. With one act of the 111th Congress and the 44th President’s signature we can experience the most intense political and economic revolution since 1776. This is only the first step.
I ask those of you with no party affiliation, resentful Republicans and disgruntled Democrats to invite me to your workplaces, your businesses, your chambers of commerce meetings and your homes to discuss the issues; so you can vote for a person, not a party, on November 4th, 2008. Between now and then, I look forward to meeting you who reside in the areas of Brevard, Indian River, Osceola and Polk counties that make up this wonderful 15th Congressional District in which we live. It is our time to realize that, together, we can be the change we want to see in ourselves, in our country and in our world. May God bless us as we work for the opportunity to restore freedom from tyranny at home, peace through strength without police actions and prosperity through industry for our United States of America.
No Party Affiliation, No Strings Attached